Malachi had a blast trick-or-treating this year. He went up to all the houses by himself and said, "Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!" (Thank you GranMols for teaching him the trick-or-treat rhyme!) After about 3 houses he looked in his bag and said, "Wow! I got a lot of candy! I have like 5!" It's so fun to see him growing up!

As you can see, even Grammy Litter got in on the fun. I think Malachi was a little scared of her at first!

Malachi loved seeing his big cousins Maggie and Riley dressed up, too. Of course they gave him more candy.

Then, at Grammy Jane's house, our little lion started getting tired and found himself a cave to hide in. He refused to call it his "den" and insisted that it was his "cave".

As if one night of trick-or-treating wasn't enough, we had a "Fall Fest" at church on Monday. Malachi loved playing the games and got even more candy.

This was my favorite game to watch. Malachi had to try to eat the donut off the string without using his hands. Very funny!

Malachi's favorite game was busting the bubbles with this sword.

Erik wanted to dress up a little, too. Scary, huh?

Lucas, Malachi, Corinne and Isaac after story time. Malachi wants to make sure Corinne is his girl. Isaac just wants more candy!

They even put our little lion in a giant bubble. We all had lots of fun!