One of the best things about Memorial Day (in my opinion) is that Erik doesn't have to work...which means two days off in a row! That doesn't happen often, at least not when we're just staying home, so we definitely took advantage of our 'extra' day together yesterday.
The highlight of our morning was the annual Haas Memorial Day Fly-In, which happens at the local landing strip. Lots of planes fly in and line up and many locals come out to eat a yummy breakfast, check out the planes and maybe even get a ride. Due to some poorly timed pregnancy-brain, I forgot my camera. But don't worry! Our friends Cassidy and Justin (of the ever-popular
Cassidy Dawn Photography) were there with cameras and I've been promised a few pics soon. So look for an update in a couple of days to see how cute and excited Malachi was about the planes!

After a couple hours at the fly-in, we headed to Waverly for Erik to run in a 5K. This summer his goal is to run in quite a few 5- and 10Ks and to work up to a time he's really proud of. The race was at 2:00PM, in the sun, with a temperature around 80 degrees (although it felt much hotter to all of us), but he did a great job. He finished in 3rd place overall and 1st in his age group! His cheering section (Malachi, Megan, myself and a few other Paint Valley folks) was very excited for him.

Because of Erik's awesome finish, we had to stay for awards - he even got a trophy!
We were supposed to make an appearance at a graduation party and then cook out with the Days that evening, but we opted to stay close to home and eat burgers at the Lloyd household instead. We were all exhausted, especially Malachi!