Thursday, December 31, 2009
Christmas with Family
One of the best things about the holidays is being with family, especially those we aren't able to see often. While in Tennessee we spent time with 'Buelo and Yaya, of course, but were also able to visit with Grandpa Gene and Grandma Alice, Aunt Cindy and Uncle Scott, Uncle Bruce, Aunt Sigi, Kayla and Kevin and Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Bryant.

Malachi may argue that one of the best things about Christmas is presents. Every present he opened was "exactly what I wanted!" The big present, his train set, really was exactly what he wanted though, and he's loved playing with it for many hours already. Elliott slept through most of the excitement on Christmas morning, but he'll soon learn!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas Cookies
We had to make some cookies before Christmas Eve. Malachi enjoyed rolling out the dough, cutting the cookies and decorating, but his favorite part was tasting them to make sure they were good enough for Santa!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas in Tennessee
Merry Christmas! I'm a little late getting back to the blog, but we've been busy enjoying every second of the holidays. We were fortunate to be able to spend Christmas in Tennessee with Erik's family and had a wonderful visit. The only problem was that time went by so quickly! I have tons of pictures to share, so I think I'll spread them out over the next few days. Here are some of our first day in Tennessee. It had snowed a lot before we arrived and enough was left to sled and build a snowman - Erik's first ever!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
First Snow!
On Saturday morning I woke up to Malachi yelling, "there's snow everywhere!" Sure enough, I looked out and saw a blanket of white. The next thing Malachi did was grab my phone to call GranMols. No, he didn't want to tell her about the snow. He called to ask her to come babysit Elliott so he and I could go out and play! 
Elliott and GranMols watching the action outside.
He was "skating."
It's fun, but sooo cold!
The snow was really slushy...perfect for snowman building!
Malachi has now built one more snowman than his daddy, who has never built one! Maybe we can fix that this winter!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
It's Santa!
Santa made his annual visit to Aunt Meggie's office this week and Malachi, Elliott and Adeline were lucky enough to be invited to the party. Malachi was beside himself with excitement and couldn't wait to tell Santa everything he wants for Christmas ("a train set, a train for my train set and two bath toys because Mommy threw all mine away"). He was also sure to ask Santa to deliver his presents to Yaya and 'Buelo's house, "but if you forget I'll just get them at my house when I get home," he said!
Santa even gave the boys their first presents of the season, teddy bears that Malachi named Sand and Chocolate.
Malachi got to color a Christmas picture and eat some cookies while Elliott slept through most of the fun!
He did wake up when it was about time to go!
Thanks, Aunt Meg, for knowing Santa and having a party so we could meet him! It was lots of fun!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Ugly Christmas Sweater Party
On Tuesday evening the Life Groups from church hosted an "Ugly Christmas Sweater" party. We had a great turnout and a lot of fun. It was hilarious to see the sweaters everyone found at thrift stores...and some in their very own closets!
Malachi is wearing the funniest sweater I could find in his closet. When I was helping him dress he told me that his sweater was too nice and not ugly! He also told me he liked the bow in my hair and the sparkles on my sweater. Elliott is wearing his tuxedo onesie - we've decided it is his party outfit for the holidays.
Malachi is wearing the funniest sweater I could find in his closet. When I was helping him dress he told me that his sweater was too nice and not ugly! He also told me he liked the bow in my hair and the sparkles on my sweater. Elliott is wearing his tuxedo onesie - we've decided it is his party outfit for the holidays.
We had a great time and are thankful for wonderful friends who like to have fun and be silly!
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