Yesterday was the 2010 Ross County Bridal Expo in Chillicothe. This was the third year that I've had a table and I think it was another success! I had lots of help from Meg (who is a great person to have by my side to talk to all the brides coming through - most of them think she works with me) and Kels (who took care of Elliott while I was busy), so thank you to both of my wonderful sisters!

Meg and I handed out 200 mini cupcake samples and talked to lots of brides who are busy preparing for their special day. As of this afternoon I already have two bookings from the show. Hopefully some more will be contacting me soon!

One thing I'm definitely going to have to practice in the next few months before wedding season gets into full swing is time management. Decorating takes a lot longer now that I have Malachi
and Elliott under foot all day! As I was decorating the display cake, Elliott wanted nothing but to be held and Malachi just wanted to help the whole time.

Maggie and Isaac's cake was the inspiration for the display cake. Not only was it one of my favorites from 2009, it's a design that is very popular with lots of brides. I did tweak the colors a bit - mostly because the orange gerber daisies were what Walmart had to offer on Saturday night!