This is how I found Malachi during his nap a few days ago. I could barely open the door enough to take this picture and the flash didn't even make him flinch! Normally he doesn't sleep, so I was really surprised to find him like this. We have been pretty busy lately and our schedule is catching up with the best of us.
T-ball practice is in full swing and games start at the end of the month. Here's the schedule in case you want to see Malachi play:
Friday, May 28th @ 5:30 vs. Orioles
Tuesday, June 1st @ 5:30 vs. Blue Jays
Friday, June 4th @ 5:30 vs. Rays
Friday, June 11th @ 5:30 vs. Reds
Monday, June 14th @ 5:30 vs. Astros
Friday, June 18th @ 5:30 vs. Orioles
Monday, June 21st @ 5:30 vs. Blue Jays
We've also been busy working in our basement. The walls have been framed and we're running the electric and doing plumbing now. Hopefully we'll be able to start hanging drywall soon and finish everything in the next couple of months...that's not too optimistic is it?