I woke up at 7 a.m. in order to finish icing and decorating the cake that was due by 1 p.m. It had a fountain that went under it, so I got the box out to make sure I knew how to set it up. On the box it said to use plates that were at least 14" diameter to support the cake above the fountain. When I got my 14" plates out I realized that the fountain wouldn't fit in between the columns that supported the plates and that I would need larger plates. I was already running late by the time Kelsey arrived to babysit Malachi, but I would have to fit in a trip to Hobby Lobby before the delivery.
I was on my way to the Bell Tower (I had a shower cake that needed to be set up there) when I realized that I had forgotten my camera. I always take my camera to document my work, so I turned around to head home to get it.
After setting up the shower cake at the Bell Tower, I sped into Chillicothe. Hobby Lobby didn't have the 16" plates I needed, so I went to Walmart. I had no luck there and began calling other stores. In a near panic I finally located a store (the fourth I called) that had the plate I needed.
After buying the correct equipment, I headed to the reception site, the American Legion on Main Street. I had never been there, and didn't know the difference between the AMVETS, the V.F.W. and the American Legion, all of which are on the north side of Main Street! I tried all three before finding the correct place.
After setting up the cake, which somehow hadn't melted in the car, I went to plug in the fountain and realized the extension cord was too short! I tried moving the table closer to the wall and ended up knocking the topper off, which gouged a hole in the middle tier before crashing to the floor. I was able to repair the hole with icing before washing the topper (thankfully it wasn't broken) and returning it to the top of the cake.
I got my camera out and took a picture of the cake as quickly as possible so that I could leave before anything else happened. It was 1:15. I'll make sure I'm more prepared for the next cake!
You handled your near disaster with great aplomb which we always expect from you. You always land on your feet!!!
I am so glad that you are doing the blog. It will be nice to get regular pictures of Malachi. He sure was in a lot of water this summer.
We would love to see pictures of your house with the new deck.
Kisses to Malachi.
I love you all,
Yay! I am so glad you decided to start blogging. This seems to be the only way I can keep in good contact with people on a regular basis. I can't wait to hear about all of the Allsop adventures. Erin...I can't believe the cake story. So you think the "beater" inccident was a forshadowing?
yeah! I love reading new blogs! Your cake story was so funny, but it turned out great i see! We don't update our blog much (no babies and all) haha, but we are glad to see you have started up one.
Love your blog Erin! It looks great. I can't wait to watch Malachi grow through the pics. Thanks for sharing with us. We miss you guys very much, but are glad Bainbridge is treating you well. Camden sends his love to Malachi!
Kari and Billy
Erin, you always were handy in the kitchen.
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