During one of the first conversations I ever had with Erik he told me that someday he'd like to hold an elected public office. Well, that time may come pretty soon - he has decided to run for a spot on the Paint Valley School Board!
The first week of November could potentially be a very exciting week for him. Here's the schedule:
Saturday, October 31st - Boys' cross country regional meet, top 4 teams and top 16 individuals advance to state
Monday, November 2nd - Baby Allsop's due date
Tuesday, November 3rd - Election day, vote for Erik!!
Saturday, November 7th - Boys' cross country state meet
I suggested putting "Erik Allsop RUNNING for P.V. School Board" on his signs since everyone around knows him as "that guy who runs a lot," but that was a little too cheesy for his taste!
I can't believe you are 9 months pregnant, bent over, painting a sign!
Good luck, Erik. I hope you win!! Then you will have to worry about breaking Iris Ward's record.
Personally, I like the slogan of Erik is RUNNING for school board. It might be cheesy but it is memorable!
I surely hope that paint was low VOC. Wouldn't want that baby coming out with three arms or anything.
I second Megan's comment. That was exactly what was going through my mind as I saw that pic.
Good luck Erik (on all accounts).
Ditto for me too-running for school board would have been perfect. Good luck Erik and to you too Erin on your upcoming delivery. I hope it comes soon!
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