In addition to adjusting to life with another baby these last two weeks, we have also been adjusting to Malachi being a big brother. He's doing a great job sharing attention with Elliott, however he does seem to always "need" us when our hands are full of dirty diapers or taking care of other baby needs. As you can see in the pictures, he likes to hold and kiss Elliott. He also likes to read to Elliott and teach him things. For example, he tried to teach him how to play trucks by rolling a toy truck all over Elliott's face and body. I definitely have my hands full right now, but at least Malachi loves Elliott and tells him so multiple times a day. It's very cute and it makes me love being a mom even more than I ever imagined possible.
So sweet. I love the picture of Malachi kissing Elliot. Priceless. Can't wait to meet him. I love your posts.
Great pictures, Erin. It is nice to see your three boys. But you need to get Erik to take a picture of you with those children.
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