Tuesday, May 31, 2011


T-ball is officially underway! Malachi did pretty well at his first two games, except for when he asked Aunt Kelsey about playing Angry Birds (a video game) while he was running from 3rd base to home!

Here's the rest of Malachi's schedule:

June 3rd @ 6:00
June 7th @ 6:00
June 13th @ 6:00
June 14th @ 7:00
Jue 17th @ 7:00
June 20th @ 7:00
June 24th @ 7:00

Monday, May 30, 2011

Oliver Joseph Lloyd

Welcome Baby Oliver! We are so excited that we got to meet our newest nephew yesterday afternoon. He is such a cutie with two big dimples just like his Momma! Congrats Blake, Kimberly and big sister Adeline!


This is going to be a crazy house full of boys, and we couldn't be more excited about seeing the brothers grow up together!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Exciting News!

This week is going to be full of exciting news on the Allsop blog and here's the first little hint of what you'll find out:

Friday, May 27, 2011

Cousin Time!

Last week Adeline got to come over and play with her cousins one morning while her mommy caught up on sleep. (Not only is Kimberly 38 weeks pregnant, she's working 12-hour shifts at night!) The boys and Adeline had a great time playing together and we're so excited that she'll be able to come over and play more often now that she lives close by!

On another note, Malachi's first T-ball game is tonight at 6:00! I'll get the rest of the schedule up in the next day or so...

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Malachi has recently discovered how cool Legos are and is quite creative with them. This is what he built yesterday:
Just in case you're at a loss, this is a house with a pump so that water doesn't flood the basement. Yep, even lego houses need a sump pump here!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Meet the Team

A couple of weeks ago little league season began with Meet the Team. This is possibly Malachi's favorite part of playing T-ball because he loves playing on the inflatable games so much!This will be Malachi's last year on the T-ball Dodgers.Malachi's biggest fan is going to be a handful during the practices and games - he just wants to be out there with the big kids!In case you want to catch a game, I'll be posting a schedule soon.

On another note, a big thank you to Mom and Aunt Laura for spending all day Monday cleaning up our basement, getting the wet drywall cut off and taken out and shampooing the carpets we were able to salvage. Unfortunately we had way too much rain again last night and the current water depth is 20 inches! I guess more cleanup is in our near future.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Water, Water Everywhere

Well, the plans for our nearly-finished basement changed today as we worked to move everything out and it filled with 10.5 inches of water. As of now we're down to just over an inch with two sump pumps and another gas-powered pump working constantly.

This is what the creek looked like at Mom and Dad's house. This was a couple hours after the dam was closed and it had actually receded a bit already.This is Buckskin Creek that runs along the eastern side of our property.A view of Paint Creek from the bridge on Route 41.Good thing we decided to pull up the carpet. We got about half of it up. We'll see if any is salvagable.This was the measurement around noon. It doubled in the next couple of hours before we were able to get the third pump going.We are pretty disappointed this evening, but also so thankful for our family and friends who pitched in to help us out this morning. I just keep reminding myself it's all material and doesn't really matter. The boys are healthy and happy and we still have a comfortable and safe house...upstairs!