Saturday, March 31, 2012

6 Months!

Jonas celebrated his half-birthday last week with a trip to the doctor for a checkup and a few immunizations. He weighed in at 16 pounds, 12 ounces, and measured 27.5 inches long. Even though I feel like he's a big boy, all of his measurements fall right around the 50th percentile. He's not a great sleeper and the doctor advised me to stop feeding him during the night. I am happily accepting this piece of advice although it's much easier to nurse him and put him back to bed than to make several trips up the stairs to offer him a pacifier. It never fails that he starts crying (again) as soon as I get back in bed! Oh well. I'm hopeful that he'll start sleeping better once he starts eating better. As you saw in a previous post, he's not a huge fan of cereal or baby food. Just yesterday he started opening his mouth when he saw the spoon, so hopefully that means he's getting the hang of it.

He's getting pretty good at sitting up and loves playing with toys, especially Elliott's cars. He wants to be in on all the action around here, even if it means that his brothers are tackling him! It's so fun to see him interacting and showing more interest in his surroundings - even the pillow in his chair can be exciting!Hard to believe 6 months have passed already. I can only imagine how crazy things will get at this house in the next 6!

Monday, March 26, 2012

6 Years Old!

Wow, we've been parents for 6 years now! Here's a look back at our special 6 year old:
March 26, 20062007, 1 year old2008, 2 years old2009, 3 years old2010, 4 years old2011, 5 years old2012, 6 years oldHappy Birthday, Malachi! We love you!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Day at the Park

It has been absolutely beautiful here lately and we're taking full advantage of it. We've grilled out, eaten dinner on the deck, done some spring yardwork and played outside a lot. This week for our Tuesday Mommy and Me group we all went to the park together. The kids had a blast!

Jonas loved hanging out in his stroller and watching the big kids.

Of course the biggest slide was Elliott's favorite.

Some of the kids enjoying their snack from Miss Katie:

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Jonas loves sitting at the table with us for dinner - too bad he doesn't feel the same about his food! I've tried rice cereal (which makes him gag), rice cereal mixed with some juice in it (he doesn't like it but at least he doesn't gag) and bananas (he'll tolerate a few spoonfuls). I know the boy is hungry so hopefully he'll get the hang of eating soon!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Table Manners

This is what happens when you let a 2 year old eat lunch unsupervised:
This boy is funny. And, he's so cute it makes it hard to get upset with him...for now anyways! He definitely keeps my days fun and exciting, and I wouldn't change a single thing about it!

Friday, March 16, 2012


Jonas' new favorite toy (and my lifesaver when I need to get a few things done!):

Saturday, March 3, 2012

5 Months

I'm a week late again, but what a week this past one has been! Jonas is 5 months old and celebrated that milestone with a double ear infection and a test for pertussis - which thankfully came back negative. The good news is that he's still happy and growing, weighing in at 15 pounds, 8 ounces. He's a very pleasant little guy even when he's not feeling great. He loves playing with his feet and interacting with his brothers. He hates baths and being on his tummy for too long. I haven't started cereal yet, but it's been on the grocery list for the last three weeks so that should be happening soon. He's getting into a good routine: nursing around 8am, noon, 4pm, 8pm and once or twice during the night. He takes a short morning nap and a longer afternoon nap. His brothers are still very interested in talking to him, kissing him, throwing balls to (at) him, driving cars over him and anything else little boys should do, and Jonas takes it all in stride!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Minivan Momma!

I fought it as long as I could, but I've had to give in. I am now a minivan-driving-momma...and I couldn't be happier about it! Who knew that it would relieve so much stress to have more room for the boys and all the noise that comes along with them! Don't they look comfy all spread out?!

Jonas likes his new ride too, especially since his brothers can't poke and prod him all the time now!

We owe a HUGE thank you to 'Buelo and Yaya for selling us their Honda Odyssey. Not having to do all the shopping, comparing, dealing, etc. was also a major stress relief - especially for Erik. Even though I still feel like I'm driving someone else's vehicle, I'm loving my new van!