Friday, August 30, 2013

Evenings at Home

Since school started we've had a chance to slow down a bit and enjoy more evenings at home. It's been so nice! This week the boys were excited to get a new pile of dirt to play in. Actually we needed it to continue fixing the yard around the driveway, but you would have thought we got them the best new outdoor toy available! We enjoyed a gorgeous sunset as we sat in the driveway watching them play. We are blessed.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

My Amazing Grandma

We stopped by to visit Grammy Litter the other day and couldn't find her...until she came speeding around the corner of the house on her lawn mower! Yep, she's amazing.
I love sitting and visiting while my boys spend time watching the birds with her.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Kiawah 2013

We're back in the swing of things so I thought I should let everyone know how amazing our vacation was! We had so much fun together and came home with lots of great memories. We had 20 people (Papaw and GranMols, 5 Allsops, Meg and Greg, 4 Lloyds, 5 Thrones and two babysitters) in one house and everything worked out smoothly. We took bike rides, relaxed and played on the beach, spent a day in Charleston (complete with getting flooded in during lunch and taking 3 hours to get back to the island), played games, spent a day at a bounce house to entertain the kids while it was raining outside, shopped, celebrated birthdays and had lots of adult dinners out. What a wonderful week together!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Blackberry Picking

Blackberries are my favorite fruits so when I heard that Welch Farms (the same place we went to pick strawberries) would also have pick-your-own blackberries, I couldn't wait to go and take the boys. We went yesterday morning and picked almost 4 quarts before heading to Aunt Kelsey's house for a picnic and playtime. Another fun summer day!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Daddy's Day Off

Wednesdays are our favorite day of the week - Daddy's day off! This week Erik had a therapy session in Columbus so we took advantage and enjoyed the day with some special fun. The boys and I made a trip to Target while Erik was at his appointment and then we ate lunch, visited Half Price books, and toured the Santa Maria, the most accurate replica of Christopher Columbus' ship in the world. The boys loved exploring it! We made one last stop at the North Market before heading home for the evening. What a fun day!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Pool Party!

 We are so blessed to have an amazing group of friends! We spent Tuesday afternoon with some of them at the Sheppards' for a pool party. We had 10 adults and 15 kiddos...which isn't bad odds for us! Thank you so much to Cindy, Cory and Alicia for hosting us. Everyone had a great time!