Obviously I can't take credit for the work here, but our basement is finally being put back together thanks to my mom and Aunt Laura. They devoted a few days of work to get the walls repaired (we used a PVC roofing material on the bottom of the walls so they are waterproof in case it floods again) and I am SO thankful to have this space back in usable condition! We still need a couple doors hung and trim around the doors, but it is a safe place for the boys to play again...which means fewer toys all over the rest of the house!
I assume the play area will always look like this (or worse) but at least it's in the basement and I can shut the door! Notice Malachi's art wall in the back. He's quite proud of that and I'm currently thinking up ways to make it an even better gallery for him.
While mom and Laura were busy downstairs, I took the time to pull out all the baby clothes and get them washed and ready for our little guy. I also reorganized all of Malachi and Elliott's clothing to get ready for fall and moved Elliott over to Malachi's room. So now it's official - not only is Elliott in a regular bed, he's on the bottom bunk in his new room! I'm afraid to say it, but they have done a great job sharing a room so far and I can only pray it's always this easy!
Since Elliott transitioned so easily I felt free to go ahead and prep the nursery for Boy #3 (can you tell we still can't decide on a name?). I gave up on the idea of making all new bedding and instead made a few minor alterations to what we already had. Here's a little peak at some of the decor I made to go above the crib. I'll post more pictures when his room is all finished.
This end-of-pregnancy extra energy has also come with some majorly clumsy and uncoordinated moments. First I fell down these stairs last week. I slipped at the top and bounced the rest of the way down. The baby is fine, however my tailbone is still pretty sore - which I'm hoping won't cause any problems during delivery.
And this week I shut my thumb in the car door. I'm still not quite sure how that happened but I do know that it turned black and blue immediately and is extremely sore. I never realized until now just how important your right thumb actually is!
Other than all of that, Malachi has bronchitis and has had to be home from school a few days this week. So much for his first full week of school every day! We're just praying that Elliott, Erik and I can stay healthy so that we can welcome our new little boy into our family soon without much more drama! Today I am 39 weeks and at my ultrasound on Tuesday the baby measured 7 pounds, 8 ounces. My doctor doesn't seem to think I'll make it to the next appointment, but we'll see what plans this little guy has for himself. We can't wait to share exciting news with you all soon!
Oh Erin, be careful.
The basement looks amazing.
I want all the advice you can give me on the room rearrangement for the boys. We will be following suit soon.
Waiting excitedly to hear when the littlest Allsop will make his entrance. Good luck. Thinking of you all.
What an update! Your home looks beautiful, your thumb looks painful, and I can only imagine what went through your head after you fell down the stairs...yipes! I'm glad you are ok! Get well soon Malachi! Hang in there all you Allsops :)
Erin....some things never change. It won't do any good to tell you to be careful will it? Thinking of you as time approaches. I keep watching for evidence at your house that you have left for the hospital-like your mom's car in the driveway at strange times of the night. Blessings to all!
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