Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Vacation, Part 1: Putt-Putt

I love playing putt-putt so one of our first evening activities on vacation was to go play a round at the mini-golf course on the island. The boys loved it and were fun to watch. Thanks to Grandma Alice for pushing Jonas around in the stroller and even getting him to take a quick nap!

 The boys also liked playing around on the course.

 And a picture of the winners:
Yep! Grandpa Gene and I tied to win! Later in the week we played again because Malachi wanted to try out the other course. Unfortunately I was unable to defend my title and Erik won that night. Oh well. I guess we'll have to play again at Christmas to see who the best putt-putter in the family really is!

1 comment:

Yaya said...

I love the picture of Elliott in his stance to hit the ball. Great pictures.