Thursday, February 27, 2014

Snow Fun

Apparently we're supposed to be getting more of this so I'm reminding everyone how beautiful and fun it can be!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Valentine's Day

 We're going to have to work on communication in our house. At dinner the night before Valentine's Day, five minutes before leaving for Cub Scouts, Malachi informed me that he needed a Valentine's box for school the next day. Luckily for him, we have a closet full of craft supplies and a recycling bin of old boxes so we were able to come up with something that excited him. Whew! Elliott and I joined him at his class party and then we came home and made another Lego Valentine's box for Elliott. Because he needed one too!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Ready for Sunshine!

Elliott has been really interested in drawing and writing lately. Last week I asked him to create something he's excited about and this is what he came up with:
We are all SO ready to see this snow melt away! Our side yard is almost clear and the backyard has some greenish-brown spots starting to poke through, thanks to warmer temps and sunshine. It was supposed to rain all day today but we've been lucky (since our yard is quickly turning into a marsh and I'm sure the basement will be in danger sooner or later) to miss that forecast so far. This winter has been crazy but I'm reminding myself of all the extra time we've had together and the special memories we've made. 

Oh, and Malachi is on track to have three full days of school this week! That will be the most he's been to school since the first week of January!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Malachi's New Room

 It's no surprise to anyone who knows Malachi that he wanted a Star Wars bedroom when he moved into his own room. We started the transition back in November and I finally made time to get it finished last week. He is so excited about his new space, complete with an R2D2 headboard (that he even helped me make!), Star Wars poster and pictures and plenty of lego storage and display space. Next up is a superhero bedroom for my other two boys!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

January Recap

I've gotten some heat lately about my lack of blog posts so I decided to take a minute and update everyone on life with the Allsops. It seems like we may be getting back to normal now since Malachi actually went to school for the entire day today! This winter has been harsh. We have had 17 snow days and numerous delays, either for icy roads or sub zero temperatures, so our regular schedule has been terribly disrupted. To be truthful, except for a little cabin fever, I have really enjoyed our extra time together without the stress of schedules and homework. Malachi, Elliott and Jonas have LOVED playing together and we've been able to have a few fun outings together. We went to World of Bounce with friends one day. We visited the Columbus Museum of Art to see the Lego exhibit one day. We've played with cousins a lot and even had Walker stay with us for a few days while his new sister was in the NICU. We've cleaned everything. We've watched movies and built forts. We've listened to records and had dance parties. We've done various craft projects and built tons of Lego creations. And, of course, we have played in the snow and gone sledding. Today I can hear the snow on our roof melting and dripping down through the gutters so maybe it's possible that things are thawing and we'll see the ground minus snow again soon!