I've gotten some heat lately about my lack of blog posts so I decided to take a minute and update everyone on life with the Allsops. It seems like we may be getting back to normal now since Malachi actually went to school for the entire day today! This winter has been harsh. We have had 17 snow days and numerous delays, either for icy roads or sub zero temperatures, so our regular schedule has been terribly disrupted. To be truthful, except for a little cabin fever, I have really enjoyed our extra time together without the stress of schedules and homework. Malachi, Elliott and Jonas have LOVED playing together and we've been able to have a few fun outings together. We went to World of Bounce with friends one day. We visited the Columbus Museum of Art to see the Lego exhibit one day. We've played with cousins a lot and even had Walker stay with us for a few days while his new sister was in the NICU. We've cleaned everything. We've watched movies and built forts. We've listened to records and had dance parties. We've done various craft projects and built tons of Lego creations. And, of course, we have played in the snow and gone sledding. Today I can hear the snow on our roof melting and dripping down through the gutters so maybe it's possible that things are thawing and we'll see the ground minus snow again soon!
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