Monday, November 23, 2009

Another Year Older

Yesterday I celebrated my 31st birthday, and, in spite of feeling older, (Erik won't let me forget he's still in his 20s!) I had a great day. Last year I spent my birthday baking cookies for the Lloyd Co. Open House - and I had a great helper. This year I had an equally great helper, although we didn't get quite as many cookies baked!

Malachi did ask why he had to wash his hands before we started because, "they're gonna be dirty when we're done anyways!"

Aunt Meg surprised me and the boys by coming down to visit in the afternoon and babysit while Erik took me out for dinner last night. We enjoyed a relaxing dinner together without kids and then came home to a freshly baked red velvet birthday cake - YUM.

They promised they didn't give my 2 1/2 week old baby cake batter to eat, even though he apparently tried to get some in his mouth!


J, H, A, M and O said...

Hope you had a great birthday. I think Malachi had a very valid point about washing his hands. What a thinker.

Yaya said...

I love that Malachi has an apron!!!