Elliott finally arrived at 3:37 am on Wednesday, November 4th. Erin was in labor at the hospital for less than 2 hours when he was born and everyone is doing very well. He weighs 8 lbs. 8 ozs. and is 20.75 in. long. We could not be more excited about the addition to our family and look forward to Malachi getting to meet his new brother.
Yay! So exciting! Congrats.
Congrats! He is beautiful...
Sam, Meighan, Brendan and Sam
He looks like Malachi. What a sweetie! I love the name Elliot!
Yay to you all. So excited to hear the news. Worth the wait!
I hope that I look that good in the hospital following labor and delivery.
Congrats, congrats! We are so glad to hear that everything went well! We can't wait to meet him!
Congratulations Allsops!!! You and Heidi almost made it on the same day. We won't forget their birthdays now. He looks like a giant compared to Emmalyn.
So sweet! He is the spitting image of Erik.
yeah! i guess Em couldn't wait just 3 more hours huh?! we are so happy for you! he looks so sweet! we will have to get them together very soon!!!! enjoy that hansome man of yours!
Congratulations--from one mom of an Elliott to another!! :)
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