Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas in Jekyll

We had a wonderful holiday in Jekyll Island, GA with Erik's family. I still haven't figured out how to make all my pictures available on the iPad, so these are the few I found of our trip. The others may make it to the blog eventually, or they may get lost in the shuffle of everything else. Oh well!

The boys were very excited about presents this year and thankfully Santa found us in Georgia!

It was so much fun visiting with all the family, but it had been over a year since we've seen Isaac (the person responsible for introducing me and Erik ten and a half years ago!) and Maggie. Jonas finally got to meet them and all three boys loved playing with them.
As I was packing the car to leave on Friday I noticed how pretty the sky was and decided to walk down to the beach to watch the sunrise. So glad I did! It was gorgeous and I appreciated some quiet time before enduring 12 hours on the road with three kids.

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