Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Father's Day

We are so blessed to be able to celebrate special dads in our families, and we had a wonderful Father's Day together. After church we enjoyed a cookout at Mike and Kelsey's. There was lots of playing (including jumping off the 6 foot playset platform), an announcement of a new addition to the family coming in January (congrats to the Thrones!) and a new friend introduced (glad we finally got to meet him, Meg). After lunch Erik and the two big boys went to the movies together while I ran a few errands and shopped a bit. Who knew I'd get to have such a fun day, too?! We came home and Erik was able to take a long bike ride before enjoying the rest of the evening together. I am so very thankful to have such a wonderful little family and to share it with such an amazing dad to our boys!

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