Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Eve and Day

 Sometimes the boys do something very sweet and it makes us so proud. While wrapping gifts with me, Elliott decided he needed to get gifts for his friends Jack and Cooper so he went and collected some of his toys to wrap for his friends. I kinda thought he would forget about it after that, but he didn't and instead was VERY excited to watch them open their presents. Unfortunately he wasn't able to wrap something for Corinne because "our house just doesn't have any girl stuff around here!" 

We spent Christmas Eve going to church for the candlelight service and then drove around and looked at some lights. When we got home we allowed the boys to each open one gift. They were excited to get some fun Star Wars stuff from our friends Nathan and Anna and then set out cookies and milk for Santa. Malachi even lectured his brothers on how they had to go to sleep so Santa would stop at our house!

On Christmas morning Elliott was the first to wake us up. He came into our room at 7:27 and said, "Santa really does know us really well. There's Star Wars stuff out here!" We spent the rest of the morning playing and then GranMols, Papaw and Grammy Jane joined us for breakfast. We rested that afternoon before visiting Grammy Litter and Aunt Laura and going to Blake and Kim's for dinner. It was a wonderful Christmas day!

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