Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's A Circus!

We celebrated Kelsey and Baby Throne today with a circus-themed shower. Baby isn't due until the beginning of December, but we had a great turnout to help Kelsey and Mike prepare for the big day...oh, and we also had a lot of fun, too!
You can't have a shower without a game, so here's our Pop-A-Baby balloon dart game:
Check out Grandma Jane's dart-throwing ability! She popped a pink balloon and suggested the girl's name Margaret Elaine.Although men weren't invited, we did ask Mike to come and be a carney for the day.And here's the Mommy-to-be enjoying one of those fabulous Lemon Shake-Ups!We had all kinds of carnival foods - popcorn, cotton candy, twisty pops, peanuts, corndogs, nachos and caramel apples. And of course, the cake! Sugar overload, anyone?Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate Baby Throne today. I'll have an update in 7 weeks or so to let you know about his/her arrival!


Allison said...
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Allison said...

Erin, those cakes are amazing! What a wonderful shower theme. Great job!

J, H, A, M and O said...

You gals are so creative. Looks like a fun one.

J, H, A, M and O said...

You gals are so creative. Looks like a fun one.

hayleyash said...

You guys did a great job with the shower. Very clever! Congrats to Kelsey and we are very excited for your "soon to be" addition.

Blake, Kimberly, Adeline, and Oliver said...

Looks like another great Lloyd shower! So sorry I missed it!

Sharp Family said...

once again... an amazing cake!!! sorry Em and I couldn't make it! Looks like it was a fun time!