Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mommy and Me

For the past few months the boys and I have been fortunate enough to be a part of a Mommy and Me group at church. We meet on Tuesday mornings and do a craft together and then the Mommies get to go out to lunch while the kiddos have a picnic in the nursery and play together. One Tuesday we made some finger paint artwork - what fun!

Julie and Ally: Katie and Audrey: Heather and Corinne: Larrisa and Kenzie: Malachi:Corinne:

GranMols and Elliott:Have I mentioned how awesome my own mom is? Without her our Mommy and Me lunch dates would not have been possible. She volunteered her time every Tuesday to hang out and babysit our kiddos so we stay-at-home-moms could get a little time away and enjoy lunch (not just eating scraps of PB&J sandwiches while standing in the kitchen) and each other's company. Mom, we love you and really appreciate the way you cared for our kids - THANK YOU!!

1 comment:

J, H, A, M and O said...

5 Star Grandma for sure! What a blessing. Those moments alone without kids can such a blessing.
I chuckled after reading the PBJ comment. So true. I think I do this at least twice a week. If it is not PBJ it is nuggets or mac and cheese.