Monday, November 1, 2010

Empty Nesters

So, I had to run down to Mom and Dad's last night to get my camera that was left there during the Youth group costume party. When I walked in this is what I saw:

Really, I don't want to know. But, WOW! I laughed a lot and then made them get up for a picture. After all, I did go down there to get my camera!


Blake, Kimberly, Adeline, and Oliver said...

Meg told us about this last night and we laughed so hard! Love it!

hayleyash said...

Good stuff! I think becoming Grandparents makes you a little nutty.

Throne's said...

I think they were nutty before they became grandparents, so now they are way nutty!

Megan Lloyd said...

They are so weird. And weirdly, made for each other.

Erik, Erin, Malachi, Elliott and Jonas said...

I laugh every time I look at this! I may have to print it out for those times when I just need a laugh!

Megan Lloyd said...

I have been thinking I need dome new photos framed. Can you send me the original? Seriously@

J, H, A, M and O said...

Awesome...that is the only word I have. I wondered who the Spiderman was in one of your older posts. Mystery solved. I actually thought it was Blake.

Pa & T said...

I may have soome old photos of different costumes way before we were parents - let alone grandparents.