Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hometown Hero

I wanted to get a few pictures up now to get you excited about what's to come...


J, H, A, M and O said...

What a celebrity!

Erin, did you ever imagine ten years ago your future husband's name would be plastered all over local establishments?

Erin, WOW! That is an amazing time. The thought of running three hours straight gives me leg cramps, but GOOD for you. That is awesome. Way to go. I wish I had 1/2 of your dedication.

Megan Lloyd said...

In addition to the misspelling of Erik and Allsop, do they know sandwiches is misspelled too?! Awww, Bainbridge.

Great job, Erik! The Boston marathon was AWESOME. I had so much fun!

Blake, Kimberly, Adeline, and Oliver said...

In the spirit of Bainbridge and Bourneville establishments...

Congrads Eric Allop. Next time I see you I'll by you a congradulatory sandwhich.

Martins said...

I love the community support. How wonderful (despite the spelling issues)! Way to go Erik. We are so proud of you.