Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Angry Birds Cake

This is exactly why I wanted to learn to make fancy cakes five years ago:
This was such a fun cake to create! When I was looking for ideas I came across a YouTube video of a playable cake and knew that's what we'd do - it was a hit. Kelsey captured lots of great action pictures and I couldn't narrow them down enough for this post so I decided to just show those of the birthday boy.

We had cupcakes to eat...just in case the real cake was too demolished!

And, of course, a little video of the action:

Okay, no more birthday or Angry Bird posts...on to something else tomorrow!


Whitney said...

Erin, you are amazing. I have to figure out how much of this I can steal and actually manage to do... (Hope you take that as the sincerest form of flattery!!) A birthday cake they can PLAY is definitely off the list! :P

Throne's said...

I love the last photo of Malachi and mom laughing at each other!

J, H, A, M and O said...

OMG...that picture of your mom and Malachi is just the sweetest. What a great moment to capture!